Psychological Assessment
A Psychological assessment is the gathering of information using a variety of tests and questionnaires. Often psychological assessment is used to clarify diagnosis for therapists and medication providers.
At Heartland, we assess for:
Bipolar Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Career Guidance (including pastoral and ministry readiness)
Those Seeking Bariatric Surgery
Those Seeking to Adopt
Qualification for Intellectual Disability Waivers.
1: Interview
The first appointment consists of a 90-minute interview with the psychologist. For children and adolescents, this interview will include both the child and at least one parent/legal guardian. Adults are not required to bring anyone to accompany them during the interview, but it can include other individuals, such as a spouse, parent, friend, etc. if desired. During this appointment, you can expect to go over your history, symptoms, and reason for testing.
2: Testing
The second appointment is scheduled for 3 hours and consists of testing to determine and/or clarify a diagnosis. The specific tests taken and the time needed to complete them varies from person to person, as the testing process is tailored to your needs. Testing can often include an intelligence test, a simple sustained attention test, a test of executive functioning, and personality assessments.
3: Feedback
The third appointment is scheduled for 1 hour. This is when you will receive your results and a testing report written by the psychologist. During this time, the psychologist will walk you through your results, answer any questions, and direct you to helpful resources or possible next steps.
Frequently Asked Questions