Helpful Resources
If you are needing some extra grounding or encouragement, check out these excellent resources. You’ll be glad you did!
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, it can be overwhelming and heartbreaking. Below are some guides to help you answer common initial questions. The links are provided by Joan Martin, a Community Outreach and Senior Advocate. (800 294 8481)​
From Caring.com
Helping a Child Deal with Suicide
​Is there a child in your life that has lost a loved one to suicide? Our own therapist Susan Dannen helped edit a book that can be a valuable resource for you, Let's Talk About It: A Guide for Talking to Children After a Suicide of a Loved One.
Covid-19 Resources
Assisted Living for People with Mental Health Disorders
Assisted Living is a community organization that prioritizes helping those who are disabled and the elderly fully enjoy their healthy years and age gracefully. This organization creates and publishes comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources, they have been featured on the Parkinson’s Foundation, US Department of Health and Human Services - Health Finder, Global Healthspan Policy Institute, and is referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the web.
Additional Mental Health Resources​
Articles and Other Resources
Encounter - Biblical meditations and resources to help you slow down and connect with God​​
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty​​